Land auction

On the afternoon of Monday, 11th September PFK's Auctioneer, Richard Morris offered for sale 17.82 acres of grazing land located just to the north of the Eden Valley village of Bolton. The land had generated considerable interest and it was really pleasing to see the interest coming from the local farming community.

The bidding got underway slowly but it was soon clear that demand was strong for this land with the land being knocked down at a price of £220,000, equating to a figure of £12,345 per acre.

PFK Land Agency were extremely pleased with the success of the Auction and it was very pleasing to see that interest lay with local farmers despite the uncertainty and confusion that Brexit is placing on the market place at present.
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PFK Estate Agency in Carlisle, Cumbria

Head Office, Agricultural Hall, Skirsgill, Penrith, CA11 0DN