Where There is Muck There is Brass

Where There is Muck There is Brass

Optimising use of organic manure not only benefits soil structure and health, but can also save a small fortune in artificial fertilizer costs. With nitrogen prices spiralling ever upwards at present and reaching heights which make you wince, now is the time to look to ensure you are making optimal use of the organic manure which you produce on your holding, and not wasting it by having to spread it at times of the year when it does not help vegetation growth, just because you do not have adequate storage capacity.

We are currently awaiting details of a Government grant scheme to help with the development and installation of new slurry storage facilities on farms, but we are assured that there will be money available for the like, so therefore it is the time to plan ahead.

Take the opportunity now to look at your current storage facilities and if they are not adequate to hold manure produced on the farm for 5 – 6 months of the year, you should start planning to alter this.

New storage facilities will require both planning and Environment Agency consent, and once these are obtained then sourcing the necessary contractors to install the system and the materials needed is not easy at present. It is anticipated we should know more about what will be offered in 2022, but already it is anticipated that this scheme will be oversubscribed, so to be in at the start, with all your ducks in a row, and all research done will put you at an advantage over others who are biding their time.

Here at PFK we have a team ready and willing to help in all aspects from advising regarding planning to dealing with grant applications.

T: 01768 866611

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Sunday, 16 February 2025
PFK Estate Agency in Carlisle, Cumbria

Head Office, Agricultural Hall, Skirsgill, Penrith, CA11 0DN