Preparation is the ‘Key to Success’

Whilst it is no doubt nice to be able to look back on what, for many, has been a successful year in the farming calendar, with all commodity prices showing significant gains on recent years, as everyone in agriculture is aware, this shouldn't mask the changes that we all face in terms of the pending start to the reduction in the payments received u...
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  2562 Hits

Farming Investment Fund Opens

 DEFRA have launched the Farming Investment Fund. The Fund is made up of 2 strands – The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and The Farming Transformation Fund. The grant is aimed at providing farmers, growers, and foresters with support to invest in the things which will improve productivity and help improve animal health and welfare and r...
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  2398 Hits

Where There is Muck There is Brass

Optimising use of organic manure not only benefits soil structure and health, but can also save a small fortune in artificial fertilizer costs. With nitrogen prices spiralling ever upwards at present and reaching heights which make you wince, now is the time to look to ensure you are making optimal use of the organic manure which you produce on you...
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  2576 Hits

Do Not Leave Matters Until the Last Minute to Maximise Benefit and Return

As we all know, things in farming are changing. BPS is reducing, starting with this year's payment. If you have had an HLS / ELS agreement, then these have either come to an end, or will do within the next couple of years. The Sustainable Farming Incentive pilot has been launched this year, with different elements being rolled out over the next cou...
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  2413 Hits

Time to sell with PFK Land Agency?

As the nights draw in, and autumn is heading our way fast, you don't immediately think of selling property, but if this is something you are thinking about, then now is the time to start planning. The rural property market is very buoyant at present, with demand being shown from a multitude of different property buyers, so if you are thinking about...
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  2410 Hits

New Graduate Land Agent appointed at PFK Land Agency

We are delighted to announce the appointment of James Martin to our Land Agency and Professional Services team, after having completed his Masters Degree in Rural Estate Management at the University of Aberdeen. James grew up in Cumbria and attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, just around the corner from our Penrith office. After moving away to...
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  2580 Hits

Assured Shorthold Tenancies – What to Know

Drawing up a tenancy agreement is often a difficult task – here's what you need to know: The most common form of tenancy used for residential properties is an Assured Shorthold Tenancy, most commonly referred to as an AST. Since 1997 all new tenancies in the UK are Assured Shorthold Tenancies by default unless agreed otherwise. AST's must also meet...
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  2737 Hits

Changing Times

 David Stout writes on how those in the rural sector can take advantage of the changing times. I'm sure I'm far from alone when saying that for most of us involved in agriculture and the rural sector generally this feels like a highly significant time for us all. Much continues to be written and said about how the changes to the support system...
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  2423 Hits

RICS Rural Conference 2021

On Wednesday 7th July 2021, our Land Agency team virtually attended the annual RICS Rural Conference. The agenda focused heavily on the future of the UKs agricultural policy, with key speakers including Victoria Prentis MP, Farming Minister, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Farming, Fisheries and Food, DEFRA and Lord Callanan Parliamentar...
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  2373 Hits

'Carpe Diem'

 My friends in the Midlands tell me that the housing market there has recently been all but frantic. Perfectly ordinary houses (their words, not mine!) attracted numerous viewings almost as soon as they were listed. Was it the urge to benefit from the tail-end of the Chancellor's reduction in stamp duty, even though it was already partially wi...
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  2422 Hits

Environment Act 2021

 New legislation has been passed which will seek to protect and enhance our environment for future generations. Through the Act, the Government will aim to clean up the country's air, restore natural habitats, increase biodiversity, reduce waste and make better use of our resources. It is hoped that the Act will halt the decline in species by ...
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  2727 Hits

Adding Value with PFK Planning & Development

PFK is the only business of its kind in Cumbria to employ RTPI qualified Chartered Town Planners. Town Planners have the professional skills to understand complex legislation, to find solutions to difficult property-related challenges, to negotiate and advocate for good outcomes and project manage the planning process. This article will take a look...
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  2675 Hits

Self-Build Housing - Solution to the UK Housing Crisis or Grand Design Dream?

The Government recently commissioned an independent review into self-build housing. The Bacon Review, published on 21 August 2021, sets out a range of recommendations for how the delivery of self-build housing can be improved. Among the recommendations contained in the review are a "small sites programme" which would encourage local authorities and...
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  2553 Hits

New agricultural building

 Lake District National Park PFK Planning supported our client with an application that sought approval for a new agricultural building measuring 207.4sqm, for the storage of farm implements and feed. The application was made under Part 6, Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 and submitted to the ...
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  2478 Hits

Presentation to planning committee

Allerdale Borough Council PFK Planning were retained at short notice to provide professional advice and guidance to a client whose application to Allerdale Borough Council which was due to be considered by their development panel the following week. Following an initial meeting to understand their application and key issues, we developed a presenta...
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  2385 Hits

Single residential plot

Carlisle City Council Outline planning approval was successfully achieved for a single storey dwelling located within a large residential garden plot. The application was submitted to Carlisle City Council. This was supported by an indicative layout plan which showed how the site could be developed and adhere to council's planning policies, in part...
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  2579 Hits

Annual monitoring report

Eden District Council Eden District Council appointed PFK Planning to update their annual monitoring reports for 2015/16 and 2016/17. This was a significant piece of work which required us to collate and analyse data, prepare reports, and assess Council performance against monitoring indicators. Local planning authorities must publish information a...
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  2403 Hits

Agricultural worker’s dwelling

 Copeland Borough Council Full planning approval was successfully obtained for a new agricultural worker's dwelling on the outskirts of Cleator Moor in Copeland. The requirement for a new dwelling stemmed from the labour needs of the farm, and the application was supported by a detailed agricultural appraisal, prepared by our colleagues in the...
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  2558 Hits

Medium-scale housing development

Eden District Council  Full, detailed planning approval was successfully obtained for 28 new dwellings in the village of Temple Sowerby in the Eden Valley. The site, situated to the rear of the Temple Sowerby Medical Practice, is located on the western edge of the village. The site is located within a designated conservation area. The site was...
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  2564 Hits

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PFK Estate Agency in Carlisle, Cumbria

Head Office, Agricultural Hall, Skirsgill, Penrith, CA11 0DN